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Idea Journal Submission #1:

Restaurant and/or Government websites

Design with audience in mind
Acording to the readings it is important to design with audience in mind (Coates, 28). Generally it includes considering  gender, race, age, occupation, income, needs or restrictions of your audience (Coates, 32). It is also recommended to use more universal symbols or icons to accomodate an international audience (Coates, 35). The readings recomended to do so called "personas" - a visualisaion of your audience (Coates, 39).
"Hungry Tiger" student audience
Gender: Male/ Female
Race: Multinational
Age: 15-35
Occupation: Students
Income: 10000-20000$
Needs: Well-cooked food
Restreictions: Budget, time
Also, to accommodate accessibility author suggests to use less words and more symbols and to make sure is a good contrast to accommodate color blindness. (Coates, 35). For example, a goverment issued declaration card does not feature any symbols and visitors who are not speaking English or French dont understand it:
Coates, K., & Ellison, A. (2014). An introduction to information design. London: Laurence King Publishing.
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