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Work in Progress

Week 8 - First pass of the environment:

Exterior environment intended for the final project. Most of the textures are created in Substance Designer following the PBR workflow. The road uses a displacement map and is a mix of materials driven by the color map. Landscape generated in World Machine and modified for composition. Grass created in xgen. All lighting is through an HDRI. Sky is added in Photoshop based on the snapshot from the HDRI. Rendered in Arnold 5

This initial pass on the environment still missing certain assets. There will be trees, rocks and corn in the fields. They would improve composition and mask low res textures of the generated landscape. Lighting will change.

Week 9 - Rigging the sheep and other things:

Rigged with Advanced Skeleton, it will need some extra cleaning up, but would work for animatic. UV's were done. The model of the sheep without textures and hair.

Rigged plant that simulates a wind effect

Assignment 3
Assignment 3

Assignment 3

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First 7 seconds of the animation. Had to be rendered in low resolution to get adequate render times to deliver the assignment on time. For the final, the plan to optimize render time is to divide terrain into more pieces and put longer, more dense grass upfront and cover the less dense grass with it. Also, the render farm or cloud desktop for Arnold is being looked into.

WIP First few shots:
WIP Animation

WIP Animation

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