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Deliverable #3:

The Design Document



  • FPS/ VR (VIVE) Exploration game

  • Spawn in the museum, alone.  Something mysterious is going on there.

  • Contemporary environment, FPS, light puzzles.


Target Platform / Minimum Hardware:


  • Windows PC’s and/or HTC Vive

  • VR capable PC for HTC Vive

  • The walkthrough will also be presented as a video 



Visual Style:


Semi-realistic visual style , some simplifications in textures and modeling are allowed. However,  not cartoony.




“The VR Museum of Fine Art”

“Gone Home”

"Dear Esther"

"Vanishing of Ethan Carter"

Audio Style


  • Ambient sounds

  • No voice over, unless it is synthesized, robotic voice

  • Maybe some music, depending on the availability



Starting Out


Game start – Main Menu


1)      The experience loads from an .exe file.

2)      No character selection/ creation.

3)      There is a black fade-in into the experience.

4)      After the fade-in the player is immediately in control in the first person.

5)      There are floating tips sections which describe basic control scheme. Depending on complexity of implementation this step might be during loading or as a screen prior to start.

6)      The player spawns at the entrance to the museum, around security/ information area.  


In-Game HUD & Menus

No HUD elements

Menu with Save (?), Load (?) and Exit opens up if the Menu or ESC button is pressed.

*(?) – will be added depending on the complexity of implementation.


In-Game Menu:


1)      The menu floats at the controller position if in VR

2)      The menu appears in the middle of the screen

In both cases the game is paused (?)

*(?) – will be added depending on the complexity of implementation.


In-Game UI:


  • There will be a teleportation beam for movement in VR

  •  The nav mesh for the teleportation function should light up to show teleportable areas of the level, when the teleportation button is held.

  • If the object could be picked up, it should have a white aura (?)


Game Over Screen


The game just fades to black and short credits are rolled.




The main level is a museum with office. The office is hidden somewhat, that would be defined later on exactly where and how it will be hidden. There also might be a final boss stage.


The office would have some sort of an obstacle/ puzzle that needs to resolved to access/ find it.


The museum area is a contemporary gallery, with white walls and ceiling, bright lights, wooden scratched floor and exhibit pieces.


The office is also modern. There is, obviously, some office furniture, stationery and documents. On top of that, there are unpacked, boxed exhibit pieces lying around creating a mess. However, the most notable part of the office is the giant safe with a digital pass code. The safe is big enough to fit a person inside. Some of the objects around the office should tell a story of the antagonist and the Damsel in Distress. 




At the begging of the game, the primary gameplay element is to wonder around the environment and look at the exhibit pieces. In the middle of the game, If player does not leave the museum and discovers the director’s office, gameplay turns into detective/ search for clues experience.


Some objects are packable/ throwable/ breakable


The are three branches for the gameplay to progress. 


1) Player wonders around the meseum and exits through the main entrance.

2) Player find the office with the safe but fails to open it.

3) Player opens the safe and discovers what is inside.





Touch pad (Left or RIght): Teleports

Triggers hold: Hold/ pick up items 

Menu Button: Open in-game menu




WASD/ Arrow keys: Movement

Right click: Hold/ pick up items 

ESC: Open in-game menu


Winning Screen


What are the main challenges facing the player and how are we rewarding the player for successful behavior. (UPDATE LATER)


Assets/ Environments/ Characters

3D Assets will be created in Autodesk Maya, ZBrush, Substance Designer. In addition,  some photogrammetry apps such as 123D will be used for scanning and quick creation of assets. Public libraries of scanned art works will be used to populate the museum exhibit.


Minimal frames per seconds is 90 FPS.


Build to scale, keep your audience in mind. If kids are involved, they might not reach the object if it is too high, for example.


Normal maps are ok but for tiny details or at a distance. 


What to avoid:


-overly bright, white areas. Use dimmer lights/ colors

-cinematic cameras or taking away control

-no to shake or walking bob

-no to depth of field or motion blur

-movement speed should be constant, no acceleration

-avoid stairs


Create timeline of when the assets are due.


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